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Russian popular prints (lubok) in the context of the Western European printmaking

Wed January 9th 2019, 4:30pm
Pigott Hall 260-216

Speaker(s): Manfred Schruba (University of Milan)

Many Russian popular prints (lubok) of the eighteenth and early nineteenth-century are connected in different ways (genetically and typologically) with Western European sources and counterparts 鈥 from archetypical parallels, the borrowing of separate motifs and themes, through paraphrase and imitation of picture subjects, up to more or less exact copying of the Western original. The lecture discusses the genetical aspect of the connection between the Russian lubok and Western European prints. It gives an overview of the most important research work on this topic from D.A. Rovinskii up to the present and introduces some new finds of hitherto not identified Western sources of Russianpopular prints. The lecture discuses also the introduction of the libertine culture in eighteenth century Russia which found its expression in the art of lubok. Most of these prints range from frivolous to bluntly erotic, while being humorous and pursuing satirical purposes. A detailed analysis of the representation of fops in the folk picture Pan Tryk and Khersonia and in other cheap prints demonstrates the German, French and English origins of these pictures.
Professor Manfred Schruba is the author of the monographs Studien zu den burlesken Dichtungen V.I. Majkovs (Wiesbaden 1997), Literaturnye ob鈥欌檈dineniia Moskvy i Peterburga 1890鈥1917 (Moscow 2004) and Slovar鈥 psevdonimov russkogo zarubezh鈥檌a v Evrope (1917鈥1945) (Moscow 2018). He is co-author and co-editor of an annotated 4-volume edition of the editorial correspondence of the most important Russian emigr茅 literary review, Sovremennye zapiski (1920鈥1940). Manfred Schruba had taught in M眉nster, Bochum, and Cologne (Germany) and at the University Ca鈥 Foscari in Venice (Italy) before his appointment to Professorship at the University of Milan (Universit脿 degli Studi di Milano) in 2017. He is a member of the editorial council of the international scholarly journals Literaturnyj fakt (Moscow), Studia litterarum (Moscow). Ezhegodnik Doma russkogo zarubezh鈥檌a (Moscow) and Rusistica Latviensis (Riga), member of the editorial board of the series Literaturnoe nasledstvo (Moscow) and Biblioteka zhurnala 鈥淨uaestio Rossica鈥 (Ekaterinburg).